Depending on what type of item you are looking for, there are different sustainable features to pay attention to! The biggest thing that makes an item sustainable is USABILITY. One of the biggest issues with the holidays is buying in excess or buying just to buy. All of the qualities of a product are important, but a gift that is practical and will not be thrown away is the best gift you can give (and get).
For almost all products, it is important to look for products that are made without palm oil or made with sustainably sourced palm oil. Look for items that have the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil certification stamp and do your research on where the oil is sourced from! Items that do not contain palm oil likely contain other oils, which are usually not as sustainable to grow as palm oil. Palm oil has a high yield, a quick-growing rate, and supports economies in regions it is grown sustainably, so other oils are not always the answer. Regardless of the type of oil, do your research on the brand to make sure they are sourcing sustainably.
Wood and paper used in products is also something to be on the lookout for. Ideally, paper or wood products that can be alternatively made with bamboo are going to be your best option. Bamboo is actually a type of grass and is the fastest growing plant in the world, sometimes growing more than 30-inches per day. If sustainably produced and harvested bamboo is not an alternative, look for products that have been certified by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC). The FSC ensures that the trees harvested for that product came from a responsibly managed forest.
Another good logo to keep an eye out for is the Fair Trade Certified stamp! From food and beverages to clothing and houseware, products that are Fair Trade Certified have communities and the environment in mind. Fair Trade Certified products have been produced ethically by communities who reap the economic benefits of production by being fairly compensated. Natural resources have been grown without clearing land or burning forests and contribute to the overall welfare of the environment.
Sustainably produced palm oil, sustainably harvested wood, and ethically sourced materials are all things to keep in the forefront of your mind while you begin holiday shopping! You can also look for organizations that have packaging-free products, sustainable shipping methods, are made from recycled materials, or give back to conservation organizations. The qualifications of what makes an item sustainable are not black and white and it can be challenging to truly find a sustainable gift, but a step in the right direction is better than standing still.